If you have a client who has moved to another county but has most of the same assets, you can still use the features of GA-TaxProperty to expedite the preparation of their return for their new county by copying the return from their old county. Here are the steps:

Changing the county for a Property tax return

  1. First roll forward their their return for the previous year so that a return is created for the current year. This return will be for their previous county (which you probably will not use)
  2. Go to the client’s record (File > Client Records) Do NOT change the county in the Client Master Record, yet.
  3. Click Returns and then click Property
  4. In the next screen that displays the year and county, change the county to be their new county
  5. Click “Yes” when you see the prompt asking if you want to copy the data into a return for the new county. GA-TaxPro will create a new return for the current year. This return will be for the new county and will be populated with their data from the previous returns.
  6. Now, you can go back into the client’s Master record and change their home county as needed.